Ereader News Today is one of the leading eBook
promotion sites – they help authors reach millions of new readers. I was thrilled when I found out that A Rose for Sergei was selected to be featured
on ENT on December 18. Over the weekend many
new readers discovered my heartfelt story about Sergei Kourdakov. On Saturday, A Rose for Sergei climbed to the Amazon US #4 ranking in: Books > Biographies & Memoirs >
Historical > Europe > Russia. Of
course those numbers change hourly, and in the blink of eye they’re gone…replaced
by the next book making its way into readers’ homes. For this self-published author, seeing that
ranking on Amazon was truly an unexpected and wonderful holiday surprise. I thank all of you who purchased my book, and I hope you enjoy reading A Rose for
Sergei. Sharing my story with someone, and/or writing a review is the best compliment I can receive.
* * *
Thank you, Cookie, for this wonderful “Five-Star”
review you posted on Amazon:
“I LOVED this book and read it in two days. It is a remarkable story about two young
people who were in love and how miracles and fate played a part in each of
their lives. Have some kleenex ready at
the end. This story will definitely
"stay with you" after you read it. It's a wonderful story and well-worth reading
- I highly recommend it. I'll be reading
Sergei's book, "The Persecutor" next. Thank you for writing this story, K. Kidd!”